Ryan Medeiros |
NCSS Standards 5, 6,10 USI.6 (a): The student will demonstrate knowledge of the causes and results of the American Revolution by: Identifying the issues of dissatisfaction that led to the American Revolution. The American Revolutionary War Content Objectives: 1. Identify the issues that caused the Revolution. 2. Recognize American beliefs that caused the nation to fight for freedom Behavioral Objectives: 3. Sequence the events leading up to the war. 4. Identify primary and secondary source documents from before the revolutionary war. Analytical Objectives: 5. Explain the ideas held by colonists who wanted to revolt. 6. Interpret primary and secondary source documents from before the revolution to increase understanding of events and life during this point in United States history. Anticipatory Set: PowerPoint slideshow of revolutionary war images Activate prior knowledge (5 minutes) 1. Ask the class to name some ways in which the British government upset American colonists. 2. Ask class why they think many American colonists wanted independence. a. Ask the class to recall some patriotic slogans from the American Revolution. b. Ask class for their opinions about what freedom is. Group Work (15-20 minutes) 1. Have the class form two groups, “A” and “B.” “A” will contain 1/3 of the students and “B” will contain 2/3 of the class and the teacher. 2. Give the students in group “B” about 4 minutes to each think up one law for group “A” to follow. The law should be a task that group “A” would have to do for group “B.” 3. The teacher, acting as monarch, will choose 5 laws to decree upon group “A.” 4. After hearing the laws, group “A” will have about 4 minutes each to think of a response to the laws. 5. Explain to the students that group “A” was acting as American colonists, and group “B” was acting as British Parliament and the teacher as the monarch. Set the context for Instruction 1. Briefly state the problems experienced by many colonists that caused them to want independence 2. Explain the colonists’ call for “no taxation without representation.” Deliver Instruction (20-25 minutes) 1. Why did England attempt to increase control over its colonies? a. England wanted to remain a world power with an expansive empire. i. England is an island nation, so North American natural resources were greatly needed. ii. This would help create revenue for the nation, because British manufacturers would sell finished products to the colonists. b. England had to worry about the French and Spanish in North America. i. England did not want onther nations claiming all the land in North America. ii. France and Spain were Catholic countries, and England was Anglican. iii. England’s separation from the Catholic church had put them at odds with Spain and France since the early 1500s. 2. How did England try to gain more money from the colonies? a. England created taxes and imposed them on the colonists. i. The Sugar Act of 1764 taxed sugar purchased by colonial merchants ii. The Stamp Act of 1765 placed a tax on printed paper products, which affected lawyers, merchants, and editors most heavily (these people had power in the colonies). iii. Townshend Acts 1767-1770 placed a tax on paint, glass, paper, and tea. b. England created the Navigation Acts in 1764 i. Colonists could not allow ships from nations other than England to dock in American ports. ii. Many American merchants purchased goods illegally from other nations, especially France c. In 1764, England also passed the Currency Act i. Colonies could not print their own paper money ii. Colonists had to pay their debts to Britain in gold or silver 3. Why did England try to gain more money from the colonies? a. Help pay for the costly war against the French and the Indians b. Citizens of England were already heavily taxed. c. Help pay the English troops stationed in the colonies. 4. Why did many colonists want freedom from England? a. Colonies had no Parliamentary representation. b. Colonial Governors, appointed in England, were thought to have too much power. c. England wanted to control colonial legislatures. d. Taxation without representation. e. The Proclamation of l763 stated that colonists could not move west of Appalachian Mountains Plan for extra time: 1. Review the concepts learned in class and listed in the “deliver instruction” section Assessment: 1. Have the students visit the website: http://www.mce.k12tn.net/revolutionary_war/american_revolution.htm a. The students will click on the link “quiz” for lesson 2, take the quiz and print the results b. The students will then click on the link for “lesson 3” and read the lesson before taking the “quiz” on lesson 3 and printing the results c. For students without home internet or printer access, I will provide hardcopy of the “quizzes” and “lesson 3.” 2. This is due the next class period. |
Last modified: 01/21/06 |